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The schools' statutory advisory body

Advice and selection for parents and pupils


The student council

The student council's composition and tasks are described in the Education Act §10-5 og  Sections 10-8.

The student council is the students' highest democratic body. Their main task is to work for a good school environment by promoting and safeguarding the students' interests.

The student council is a body for co-determination for the students in the school. In the new overarching part of the curriculum, student democracy is described in Chapter 1.6, where it is said, among other things: "The school must be a place where children and young people experience democracy in practice. The pupils must experience that they are listened to in everyday school life, that they have real influence, and that they can influence what concerns them."

The members of the Student Council are elected by their classes. All classes from 4.-9. class has a representative. The student council has regular meetings together with the school's contact teacher. At the meetings, the student council representatives can raise matters that concern them and the other students at the school. The student council is concerned with how we can maintain the good well-being and good student performance at the school. 

The student council has a teacher at the school (student council contact) who is responsible for the work in the student council.

Parent representatives in the school

The schools have a number of councils and committees where the parents are involved. User participation from parents is regulated in Chapter 10 of the Education Act. 

Parents' council and FAU

All parents who have children in primary school are automatically members of the parents' council. The parents' council elects a parents' work committee (FAU) which acts as a "board" for the parents' council.

Cooperation committee (SU)

At each primary school, there must be a cooperation committee (SU) which is the school's highest cooperation body. The committee shall consist of two representatives for the teaching staff, one for other staff, two for the parents' council, two for the pupils and two for the municipality. One of the representatives for the municipality must be the principal of the school. SU has the right to express itself in all matters concerning the school.

School environment committee (SMU)

All primary schools and upper secondary schools are obliged to have a school environment committee. The school environment committee must work to ensure that the school, staff, pupils and parents contribute actively to creating a good school environment. The school environment committee has the right to make a statement in all matters concerning the school environment. Pupils and parents together must be in the majority in SMU. 

Not required by law

Parent contacts

The parent contacts are the link between the parents in the group and the contact teacher. Two parent contacts are usually chosen in each group. The parents' committee for the primary school have created material that describes the tasks.

Municipal Parents' Committee (KFU)

Askøy municipality has a joint municipal parent election (KFU) which consists of FAU representatives from all schools.

The parents' committee for basic education (FUG)

The parents' committee for basic education (FUG) is an independent advisory body for the ministry in matters of cooperation between home and school. FUG must look after the interests of parents in school contexts.

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