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Last updated: 14 September 2020

Send invoice to us

How to send us an invoice: electronic invoice or invoice by post.


Guidance for submitting an invoice to Askøy municipality

Askøy municipality wishes to receive all incoming invoices and credit notes as electronic invoice (EHF) via access point. 

  • Municipality number 4627
  • Organization number 964 338 442
  • Account number 6515.06.05509

Askøy municipality only accepts electronic invoices from its suppliers in the public standard format, Elektronisk HandelsFormat (EHF).

Use organization number 964 338 442 as an electronic address for all invoices that apply to Askøy municipality.

Their reference = profile ID / number

Their reference is a mandatory field in the EHF standard.

Askøy municipality uses a 5-digit order number for your invoice to go automatically to the right recipient. It must ONLY be our 5-digit order number (not name) for the invoice to go to the right recipient in the municipality.

If further reference is required, the supplier must fill in another field, or as an order line.

Send electronic invoice (EHF)

As a supplier, you must enter into an agreement with an access point. It is a prerequisite that you yourself or via others can submit an invoice in Electronic Trading Format (EHF). There are many suppliers, see for example: Access points for EHF and BIS formats

You can

  1. Produce your invoices in EHF in your own invoice system or
  2. Use an online invoice portal. Invoice portal is a simple solution where you create the invoices online and send these via an access point to the customer. This is especially relevant if you only send out a few invoices a year to municipal or state enterprises. Many banks also offer this service via online banking.
    Link to Difi - get started with electronic invoice: Solution for invoice and credit note

If electronic invoice (EHF) is not used

An invoice can then be sent to

Billing Address

Askøy municipality, Klampavikvegen 1, 5300 Kleppestø


If you have any questions, please contact

The offer in the kindergarten

Quality and content

The kindergarten is an educational offer for children of pre-school age. It must, in cooperation and understanding with the home, take care of the child's need for care and play, and promote learning and education that provide a basis for all-round development. Kindergarten is the first part of the education course, and helps to give children basic skills to start school.

It must take into account the children's age, functional level, gender, as well as social, ethnic and cultural background. All kindergartens must comply with the Kindergartens Act and the national framework plan for quality and content.

The framework plan's guidelines for quality and content in kindergartens
Provisions in the Kindergarten Act

Different types of offers

Askøy has 25 kindergartens with different organisation, size, educational profile and ownership. We have a good and user-adapted kindergarten offer with great diversity, with 8 municipal and 17 private kindergartens. 

Connection kindergarten - school

The nursery school must ensure that the oldest children have experience, knowledge and skills that can give them a good foundation and motivation to start school. The nursery school should contribute to the children being able to end their time in nursery school in a good way and face school with curiosity and faith in their own abilities.

The kindergarten sector has drawn up a plan for the last year in the kindergarten. The plan has been drawn up on the basis of the Kindergarten Act § 2a and the Education Act § 13-5. With this plan, Askøy municipality provides a common platform for all our pre-school children in the last year of kindergarten.

Askøy municipality has a common routine description and various forms of cooperation to ensure good cooperation and a smooth transition from nursery school to school. Kindergarten and school are both institutions for care, education, play and learning. The children will encounter both similarities and differences between the institutions, but will experience that there is continuity in the course of learning. The subject areas in the framework plan are largely the same as the children will later encounter at school. Kindergartens and schools in Askøy municipality must provide each other with mutual information about their respective activities. 

Information about plans for children's transition from nursery school to school is described in the individual nursery school's annual plan.

Information to the school about the child

In order for the school to be able to make the best possible arrangements for the child, it is useful for the school to get information about the child, and what they may need extra help with. Before school starts, the nursery will therefore fill in a form in collaboration with the parents. The form is sent to the school with written consent from parents.

Cooperation kindergarten - home

The kindergarten must facilitate good parental cooperation. Parents must be allowed to participate in the individual arrangement of the child's offer and in the nursery's work. Together, parents and kindergartens must create a good dialogue based on security and trust, which is crucial for the children's well-being and development. Parents also contribute to participation through the annual user survey, which is important for the nursery's further quality development.

Initial call

The nursery is an arena where the child will spend many hours of his day. This is a task that is taken seriously, and it is desirable to get the best possible starting point to be able to meet the child in a good way. In that case, good cooperation with the parents is important. The nursery needs information about who the child is and what experiences the child has had so far in life. All kindergartens in Askøy municipality offer an initial interview before starting or during the first time in the kindergarten.

Information letter about the initial interview 

Invitation to parents for a social interview from kindergartens in Askøy (English)

Rozmowa uesztna w przedszkolach w Askøy municipality (Polish)

Parent meetings

Good dialogue between parents and nursery school is invaluable for children's well-being and development in nursery school, and in order to establish good cooperation, parent meetings are an important tool. The parents' meetings should have a form that enables the parents and the staff to get to know each other better and that current topics are highlighted and discussed. 

The guide "Close to parents - guide for good parent meetings in kindergartens and schools in Askøy municipality", aims to strengthen the parents' participation in the content of the parent meetings. 

 Close to parents - guide for good parent meetings in kindergartens and schools in Askøy municipality

Parent talks

Conversation between parents and the nursery staff where they talk about the child's well-being and development. The parent-teacher conference is an opportunity for both parties to talk about the child's situation at home and in the nursery so that all the adults around the child can help create a safe and good day-to-day nursery. The interview is individual and must be held at least twice a year in municipal kindergartens.

Parent Council

The parents' council consists of the parents of all the children. The parents' council shall promote the parents' common interests and contribute to the collaboration between the nursery and the parent group creating a good nursery environment.

Cooperation committee 

The cooperation committee must ensure cooperation between the kindergarten and the parents. The board ensures that matters of importance to the nursery's content and operations are submitted to the cooperation committee. The committee consists of representatives from parents and staff in equal numbers, as well as a representative from the owner, cf. Norwegian Kindergartens Act § 4. Chairs meetings and has the right to speak. The cooperation committee is an advisory, contact-making and coordinating body. The committee determines the annual plan, and discusses the nursery's content and priorities.

Kindergarten theme plan 2022-2026

Askøy municipality is focused on there being ONE kindergarten sector in the municipality, where we interact on key themes and challenges for the benefit of children in Askøy kindergartens.

The overall goal for the daycare sector is that Askøy municipality must provide a municipal or private daycare offer in the local area, which is attractive and accessible to everyone who wants it. Children in kindergartens on Askøy must have an equal and high-quality kindergarten offer, regardless of whether they attend municipal or private kindergartens. With a large private kindergarten sector, it is important to find the balance between joint work with municipal initiatives and local room for action for the individual kindergarten.

The kindergarten theme plan shall, based on state guidelines, specify common areas of focus for Askøy kindergartens, with goals, strategies and measures. Together with the framework plan for the kindergarten, the thematic plan provides direction for binding and systematic work in the individual kindergarten.

The plan is considered to be:

  • A management document for employees in the nursery school
  • An orientation to the politicians about the investment areas in the Askøy kindergartens
  • A basis for quality and competence enhancement

Theme plan kindergarten 2022 2026

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